
Showing posts from 2023

Must Watch Anti stress, Anti depressant Best Gift Ever Best Experience Ever

 I have seen people experiencing complete bliss and joy…….& they say it is better than any high the have ever known. Without the side effects of drugs or addiction/ bad consequences. To a degree I have experienced this but I need to get deeper in it. In a dream two times I have experienced this & I was, blissfully happy joyful & my whole body felt really good & kept laughing a lot. In the dream I did not consume anything, it just happened. Anyway ,the people that have experienced it some of them say they make it happen almost at will, I think. It's spiritual gift that comes from Yeshua! One can achieve it through prayer or attending a gathering where people are experiencing it. I have heard some people doing that even over zoom. ALL good & perfect gifts come from up above”! That is to say from the creator! Trust me everything else will disappoint you! & It's a cheap copy of the real gift. The good news is , you can get the original gift of joy happines

Children & Babies Do Not Go To Hell

 I want to clarify in one of the testimonies of visits to Hell one lady claimed seeing children in there( she is wrong and has received false vision or experience by demons) . This contradicts the Bible therefore it's to be rejected. Any testimony of visits of Heaven or Hell can not be accepted if it contradicts the Bible.  I only know of one lady who claimed that but almost all the testimonies I have heard never say seeing children in Hell.  The reason is described in the video by apostle Joshua Sulayman. The offender has to have a mature understanding of right and wrong. Or the person has to have been on or past age of accountability (which is different from child to child). Once the child grows and can defined discern right and wrong the he/ she has reached age of a accountability. To watch video click Read More👇

George Foreman's Saw Hell Say Learn About God

  George Foreman Saw Hell & He Says " Learn About God!!!" I agree !!! Invite Jesus to your heart, all you need is truly to follow Jesus from your heart no performance needed! Just get close to him like a friend talk to Jesus every day like a friend & he will guide you to do His will. When you have a close relationship with the Lord Jesus, you will be empowered to do his will. Best of all your eternal home will be blissful Heaven & NOT with the demons in Hell!  Choose Jesus & live regret free for eternity in Heaven! Learn about God/ Jesus today!