I have watched many stories,on the web, of people who died and came back after visiting Heaven and Hell. There is an urgency in my spirit to WARN people. I wanted to join in sounding the ALARM, to teach people to avoid Hell and enter Heaven. My first life changing documentary I watched, about reality of Heaven and Hell was titled "To Hell and Back" on TV. Just as the BIBLE teaches, hell is real and the ONLY way to avoid it is by accepting Jesus Christ as your savior. Please read John3:16. Please WATCH on the links below REAL testimonies of people who witnessed untold torment of Hell and the joy and bliss of Heaven. Please choose HEAVEN. After death, there is no chance to change your mind. AFTER DEATH,YOUR CHOICE YOU MADE BEFORE DEATH, CAN NOT BE CHANGED FOREVER! If you fail to choose Heaven and find yourself in Hell, it would be too late the bible says its eternal and the choices can not be changed. Don't mock the bible,please take it seriously and believe what it says. Otherwise, you will live in forever regret and torment. No one is trying to manipulate you this is JUST HOW IT IS. PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED. CHOOSE JESUS CHOOSE HEAVEN! Please visit www.FreeCdTracts.Com/Hell.htm and watch the amazing stories of many many people who saw the bliss of Heaven and torment of Hell. Many of them received direct order from Jesus to go back and warn the people that are alive now, so people will choose heaven and not end up in hell. YOU choose Heaven when you choose to invite JESUS into your heart. Invite JESUS now! :). You may call 1-888-needhim or talk to someone via chat at www.needhim.org to learn how to start a relation ship with Jesus and ensure that you will enter HEAVEN after you die.


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